
The Broadband Lifeline in a Pandemic: Strategies for Provisioning Fast Internet Service to the Most Remote Rural Areas

Andrew Afflerbach, PhD, P.E. CEO & CTO I’ve been working from home now for two weeks. So have my wife and children, my CTC colleagues, and most of our clients. We can probably work (and distance learn) for months this way, but many Americans don’t have this option because the remote, rural areas in which […]

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The Broadband Lifeline in a Pandemic: Strategies for Provisioning Broadband to Temporary Emergency Sites

Andrew Afflerbach, PhD, P.E. CEO & CTO The COVID-19 pandemic requires fast, creative tools to provision critically-needed broadband in dramatically different contexts. Earlier this week, we wrote about how to deploy Wi-Fi to multi-dwelling buildings such as public housing, to get urgently-needed connectivity to households that don’t have it. In coming posts, we’ll talk about […]

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The Broadband Lifeline in a Pandemic: How Your Community Can Quickly Deploy Free Wi-Fi to Meet Urgent Needs at Public Housing and Other Locations

Andrew Afflerbach, PhD, P.E. CEO & CTO Over the past several days we have heard from numerous communites seeking guidance for delivering broadband to unconnected households as fast as possible to meet urgent,  critical needs for remote work and education. Free community-provided Wi-Fi can be a lifeline during the pandemic. Many people cannot afford commercial […]

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New York City Announces Visionary Plan to Close the Digital Divide

CTC congratulates New York City on the release of its visionary Internet Master Plan, which outlines the City’s approach to seizing “a once-in-a-generation opportunity to dramatically reshape [the City’s] role in enabling affordable, reliable broadband service for all.” We are proud to have been part of the team that undertook research and analysis to support […]

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