Author Archives: CTC Technology & Energy



City of Pikeville, KY Issues RFI to Identify Private Partners for FTTP

The City of Pikeville, Kentucky has issued a request for information (RFI) to identify potential for-profit and non-profit entities interested in partnering with the City to develop a citywide fiber-to-the-premises (FTTP) network. The City is committed to enhancing broadband availability for all its businesses, residents, and anchor institutions. The proposed partnership also considers neighboring Coal Run Village in its projected “service area,” and anticipates eventually serving other portions of Pike County.

Go HERE to view the full RFI.

Published: Friday, May 13, 2016 by CTC Technology & Energy



Presenting a technical approach to enabling Wi-Fi and LTE-U to coexist

New York City has drawn national attention for its plans to deploy thousands of free public gigabit (1 Gbps) Wi-Fi kiosks. At an event hosted by New America NYC last week—“Fast and Free: New York’s Vision for Public Wi-Fi Everywhere”—the City’s “strategy to give every resident and business access to affordable, reliable, high-speed broadband service” was presented in parallel with a discussion of the challenges posed to Wi-Fi by LTE–Unlicensed (LTE-U) technology.

CTC Director of Engineering Andrew Afflerbach, Ph.D., P.E. joined a panel discussion at the event to offer a technical overview of whether LTE-U interference is likely to impact local government and public interests.

Dr. Afflerbach drew on analysis developed in his recent paper, “LTE‐U Interference in Unlicensed Spectrum: the Impact on Local Communities and Recommended Solutions.” Among his findings and recommendations were the following:

  • Wi-Fi is essential to local governments for education, public safety, economic development, and “Smart City” innovation
  • Research indicates that LTE-U systems can dominate the unlicensed spectrum at the expense of Wi-Fi
  • LTE-U interference could disrupt local governments’ current uses of Wi-Fi, increase communications costs, and threaten future Smart City innovation
  • LTE-U must be tested, refined, and standardized

He concluded that the current version of LTE-U might cause damaging interference to local governments, and recommended potential technical improvements to LTE-U that might allow the technology to reliably coexist with Wi-Fi.

Published: Monday, May 9, 2016 by CTC Technology & Energy



CTC to Develop Broadband Feasibility Study for Town of Wake Forest, NC

The Town of Wake Forest, NC has selected CTC Technology & Energy to develop a broadband feasibility study that will include high-level design and cost estimates to connect Town facilities and other points of interest. CTC’s analysts and engineers will conduct a needs assessment, examine the Town’s current broadband market and services, and evaluate the potential role of existing Town assets in enabling broadband. We will prepare a business case for fiber implementation in the Town, and develop and administer a request for information to gauge interest among potential private sector partners.

Published: Wednesday, April 27, 2016 by CTC Technology & Energy



Improving In-building Wireless Coverage – and Public–Private Collaboration

We are proud to announce that the District of Columbia’s in-building wireless project has been recognized as one of “the most innovative uses of technology in government” by the American Council for Technology and Industry Advisory Council (ACT-IAC).

Working with CTC, the District government plans to deploy enhanced in-building wireless coverage in up to 80 buildings over four years. The program is designed to serve the capacity and coverage requirements of both the District’s emergency responders’ systems and the commercial cellular carrier networks.

The District government has established best practices in serving its own needs, while improving communications for its residents and expanding options for commercial service providers. The program is a model for enabling cost-effective and rapid deployment by wireless carriers in large buildings.

CTC Principal Engineer Shawn Thompson is representing CTC and the District at ACT-IAC’s “Igniting Innovation 2016 Showcase & Awards” today. A nationally recognized expert on wireless communications, Shawn leads the CTC team that has worked closely with the DC Office of the Chief Technology Officer for more than two years to design and implement the in-building wireless project.

Shawn is presenting the work his team has done for the District, demonstrating that the District has been able to work with the major wireless service providers to incent private investment in government buildings to improve coverage and public safety communications.

Our kudos to Shawn and his team on this tremendous work and the innovative public–private collaboration he has helped to foster on behalf of the District.

Published: Monday, April 25, 2016 by CTC Technology & Energy



City of Portland, OR Selects CTC to Develop Fiber Strategic and Business Plan

CTC will begin work with the City of Portland, OR to prepare a long-term fiber strategic and business plan that will evaluate the City’s current and future demand for broadband. CTC’s engineers and analysts will engage key City stakeholders from a range of public and private industries, and assess current infrastructure to evaluate the City’s broadband needs. Our team will work with City leadership to form a strategic plan, and to develop a dark fiber business model and sustainable business plan. Our analysis will include recommendations for FirstNet planning, enabling private-sector investment, and developing a cooperative governance structure to benefit all I-Net stakeholders.

Published: Wednesday, April 20, 2016 by CTC Technology & Energy



CTC to Provide Strategic Guidance to City of Hayward, CA

The City of Hayward, CA has selected CTC to develop a high-level fiber optic network master plan to guide the City’s broadband efforts. CTC’s engineers will inventory the City’s existing systems and service availability, prepare conceptual fiber routes, and project associated costs. Our analysts will identify the City’s broadband needs, and consider a range of business and operational models that might support the City’s next steps for broadband implementation.

Published: Wednesday, April 6, 2016 by CTC Technology & Energy



City of Pharr, TX Selects CTC to Develop Broadband Strategic Plan

The City of Pharr, TX has selected CTC Technology & Energy to prepare a broadband strategic plan. Following a work-shop with the City and its key stakeholders to establish a strategic direction, CTC’s engineers and analysts will assess the City’s current broadband infrastructure and market, and evaluate current and future demand for broadband in Pharr. Our E-rate specialists will work with the City to develop a strategic approach to potential funding opportunities through the Schools and Libraries Program, and our analysts will evaluate other potential federal and regional funding mechanisms. The strategic plan will include engineering analysis and cost estimation for network implementation, and we will guide the City’s engagement with the private sector for potential partnership for network expansion.

Published: Thursday, March 24, 2016 by CTC Technology & Energy



Coalition Urges Colorado Senate Committee to Resist Efforts to Restrict Local Internet Choice

CTC is proud to join other private companies and trade associations in opposing Colorado Senate Bill 136, which was delivered today to the members of the Colorado Senate’s State, Veterans and Military Affairs Committee.

The letter urges the legislators to reject the anti-competition legislation, which makes far more difficult local efforts to partner with the private sector to enable new broadband opportunities.

The letter notes that the proposed bill “would harm both the public and private sectors, retard economic growth, prevent the creation or retention of jobs around the State, particularly in rural areas, hamper work force development, and diminish the quality of life in Colorado.”

View the full letter HERE.

Published: Wednesday, March 16, 2016 by CTC Technology & Energy



Google Fiber to Provide Gigabit Services to Many in San Francisco

All of us at CTC extend our congratulations to our friends at the City and County of San Francisco on today’s announcement that Google Fiber will provide gigabit services to many consumers in San Francisco.

The City has worked tirelessly for over a decade to expand the availability of fiber-based services to both residences and businesses, and today’s announcement is a testament to those efforts to demonstrate the importance of the broadband speeds enabled by fiber optics — as well as a testament to the City’s efforts to attract private sector competition in broadband.

CTC is proud to have advised the City over more than a decade regarding expansion of its own fiber network, fiber optic dig once policies, and trends in the broadband market.

Published: Wednesday, February 24, 2016 by CTC Technology & Energy