


New America Foundation and CTC Release Report on Public Broadband Options

Today, the New America Foundation’s Open Technology Institute and CTC Technology & Energy released a new report on local broadband networks, “The Art of the Possible: An Overview of Public Broadband Options.”

The report is intended to serve as a primer for local government and community leaders on different approaches to public broadband networks. The report addresses broadband technologies, network business models, and the considerable benefits beyond the balance sheet that public networks can provide to communities.

Read the report on CTC’s website:

The official press release:

Published: Tuesday, May 6, 2014 by CTC Technology & Energy



CTC Kicks Off Fiber Project with City of Raleigh, NC

CTC Technology & Energy has launched a project with the City of Raleigh, North Carolina to develop a roadmap for meeting the city’s future networking needs. CTC engineers will perform a technical assessment of the city’s current network plans, develop a strategy for fiber construction, and provide detailed guidance on middle-mile network operations. Our business analysts will assess the city’s current network financial models, refine those projections, and create a sustainable business model that will enable the city to capitalize on excess fiber to create revenue and other community benefits.

Published: Saturday, April 5, 2014 by CTC Technology & Energy



Arlington County, Virginia Announces Dark Fiber for Business Customers

Arlington County, Virginia announced the next step in the development of its visionary ConnectArlington fiber network. Over the next year, the county plans to make dark fiber available for lease by businesses—offering “the highest levels of security to provide unprecedented opportunities for secure collaboration with the nation’s top defense and research agencies, including the Pentagon.”

CTC has supported the county throughout the development of the ConnectArlington project, including with network design and business planning services. We are currently managing the network construction.

CTC Technology & Energy developed the business plan and strategy for the County’s fiber leasing initiative, and is currently preparing an RFP for the County’s use in selecting a fiber broker. This third-party broker innovation is the first of its kind among public entities in the United States.

More details on the ConnectArlington plans are available at the county’s website.

Published: by CTC Technology & Energy



CTC Principal Engineer Shawn Thompson To Address IWCE Expo

CTC Principal Engineer Shawn Thompson will address the IWCE Expo on March 24, 2014 on how local government is uniquely able to help public safety and improve in-building wireless by coordinating a unified DAS strategy and using government-owned assets such as government-owned fiber.  Shawn will discuss steps taken by Washington, DC and other cities.

Comprehensive in-building wireless is critical for the public to reach 9-1-1 and is a key element of making FirstNet work in urban areas.  Local government actions can reduce the cost and improve the speed and effectiveness of FirstNet and commercial wireless deployment.  Shawn is on the In-Building Wireless and DAS Fundamentals panel at 1pm PT.

Published: Monday, March 24, 2014 by CTC Technology & Energy



Letter Urging Kansas Legislature to Reject SB 304

CTC Technology & Energy joined a coalition of private sector companies in urging the Kansas legislature to reject an industry-authored bill that would prohibit community broadband projects, including those in partnership with private companies. The bill would preclude almost any local broadband initiative, including those like the partnership between Kansas City and Google.

This kind of anti-competition legislation hurts communities, hurts the state’s economy, and precludes both competition and innovation. Kansas, a state where we have long worked on broadband initiatives, deserves better.

Our thanks to community broadband hero Jim Baller for encouraging us and other companies to speak out through this letter.

You can read the letter here.

Published: Thursday, February 6, 2014 by CTC Technology & Energy



CTC Technology & Energy to Aid Albuquerque in Building the City’s Network Design and Implementation

CTC Technology & Energy has helped hundreds of cities nationwide to evaluate and build the business case for municipal broadband networks. Albuquerque is the latest City to tap CTC Technology & Energy’s expertise and we are proud to work with the City.  We will develop a strategy for providing a network connecting the City’s key stakeholders and locations that will have the most impact on its economic development and digital inclusion goals.
Based on CTC Technology & Energy’s kickoff meeting with the City, we plan on surveying candidate network routes and develop a system-level design and pricing estimates for the construction and operation of fiber infrastructure.  We will also develop a system-level design for the use of WiFi and other last mile technologies to meet the City’s digital inclusion objectives.  Our strategic design will maximize potential economic development, minimize budgeting risks, and position the City for future network expansion upon future funding availability.  CTC Technology & Energy will then provide a framework for the City’s procurement process to identify an expert partner for the proposed fiber and wireless construction.
Published: Friday, January 31, 2014 by CTC Technology & Energy



CTC Clients Receive Approval to Begin Kansas Health-e Broadband Consortium

CTC Technology & Energy would like to congratulate the Kansas Hospital Education and Research Foundation (KHERF), on receiving approval from the Universal Services Administration Company to move forward with their vision of the Kansas Health-e Broadband Consortium.

The Kansas Health-e Broadband Consortium is a collaboration of healthcare related organizations in Kansas developing and maintaining a dedicated broadband network for Kansas. The Consortium will request support from the Healthcare Connect Fund (HCF) on behalf of those members eligible to participate in the program.

In May of 2013, CTC Technology & Energy worked extensively with KHERF on a technical strategy, a business case analysis, and a feasibility study to develop a high-speed network for the state’s healthcare providers throughout Kansas.

Published: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 by CTC Technology & Energy



CTC Technology & Energy Opens Western Satellite Offices

CTC Technology & Energy has opened several new offices in recent months to better serve clients in the Midwest, Southwest, and Rocky Mountain regions. The newest office, located in Boulder, Colorado, opened in September, and is under the supervision of Principal Analyst Bob Hunnicutt. Mr. Hunnicutt is a veteran of cable and wireless communications engineering and local government administration and leads CTC Technology & Energy’s tower siting team. CTC Technology & Energy also launched offices in Madison, Wisconsin and Santa Fe, New Mexico to support our growing family of state and local government clients in those regions.

Published: Thursday, October 3, 2013 by CTC Technology & Energy



Garrett County, Md. Seeking Private Partners for Wireless Network

Garrett County, Maryland has issued a Request for Information (RFI) for private partners interested in providing network services over a county-built wireless network. The network will reach some of the rural county’s most remote residents and businesses currently without high speed Internet service availability.

CTC Technology & Energy completed a comprehensive feasibility study for the County in 2012, and recommended pursuing a public network utilizing TV “White Spaces” to deploy wireless Internet service to unserved homes and businesses. White Space networks utilize vacant broadcast frequencies, more of which are available in communities like Garrett that are far from dense population centers. The technology has propagation characteristics superior to other wireless broadband technologies, and is particularly advantageous in mountainous regions where line of sight is often encumbered. The RFI embraces this recommendation, and encourages respondents to propose solutions that utilize TV White Space technology.

The County has identified six target areas that include approximately 2,873 homes and businesses. The initial phase of the network build will target a pilot region of about 200 end-users. The County plans to scale the pilot network strategy to ultimately serve the entire population of the target areas.

Letters of intent to respond to the RFI are due at 2:00PM (Eastern) on Friday, October 18, 2013. Final responses are due at 2:00PM on Friday, November 1, 2013.

The RFI is available for download at:

Published: Thursday, September 26, 2013 by CTC Technology & Energy