CTC Technology & Energy has worked for hundreds of government and non-profit clients on a broad range of tasks over the years. Below is an alphabetical list of our past and present clients:
- Ada, MI
- State of Alabama
- Alameda, CA
- Alexandria, VA
- Alford, MA
- Allegany County, MD
- Ames, IA
- Amherst, MA
- Annapolis, MD
- Anne Arundel County, MD
- Apex, NC
- Arlington, MA
- Arlington County, VA
- Arvada, CO
- Ashby, MA
- Aspen/Pitkin County, CO
- Athens Utility Board (TN)
- Atlanta, GA
- Atlantic City, NJ
- Austin Utilities (MN)
- Bald Head Island, NC
- Baltimore City, MD
- Baltimore County, MD
- Barbourville, KY
- Batavia, IL
- Baton Rouge, LA
- Blount County, TN
- Bloomfield Township, MI
- Bloomington, IN
- Boston, MA
- Boulder, CO
- Bountiful City Power (UT)
- Bowie, MD
- Bowling Green Municipal Utilities (KY)
- City of Bozeman, MT
- Breese Electric Service (IL)
- Brunswick, OH
- State of California
- Cambridge, MA
- Carroll County, MD
- Carroll County Cable Commission, MD
- Carroll County Community Media Center (MD)
- Carroll Lutheran Village (MD)
- Carson City, NV
- Case Western Reserve University
- Centennial, CO
- Center for Digital Democracy
- Central Brown County Water Authority (WI)
- Central Iowa Power Cooperative
- Chanhassen, MN
- Champaign, IL
- Charlevoix, MI
- Charlotte/Mecklenburg County, NC
- Chelan County Public Utility District (WA)
- Cherry Hills Village, CO
- Chevy Chase Village, MD
- Chicago Access Network (IL)
- Cincinnati, OH
- Clackamas County, OR
- Clarksdale, MS
- Cleer Creek County, CO
- Cleveland, OH
- Coalition for Local Internet Choice
- Collier County, FL
- Columbia, MO
- Columbia Rural Electric Association (WA)
- Columbus, OH
- Communications Workers of America
- State of Connecticut
- Continental Divide Electric Cooperative (NM)
- Contra Costa, CA
- Corporation for Public Broadcasting
- Crown Fibre Holdings – Government of New Zealand
- Culver City, CA
- Cumberland, MD
- State of Delaware
- Delaware Department of Transportation
- Delaware Emergency Management Agency
- Delaware Public Service Commission
- Denison, IA
- Denver Transit Partners (CO)
- Dover Public Utilities (DE)
- Dowling College
- Dubuque, IA
- Duncanville, TX
- Dunsmuir, CA
- Durham, NC
- Eagle-Net (CO)
- Eastern Shore of Virginia Broadband Authority
- Easton Utilities (MD)
- Ellensburg, WA
- Eugene, OR
- Evanston, IL
- Fairfax County, VA
- Fairfax County Public Schools (VA)
- Fairhaven, MA
- Fargo, NC
- Fauquier County, VA
- Fayetteville, NC
- Flint, MI
- Ft. Lauderdale, FL
- Ft. Worth, TX
- Franklin, PA
- Frederick County, VA
- Fredericksburg, VA
- Free Press
- Fresno, CA
- Fullerton, CA
- Gallup, NM
- Garrett County, MD
- Gary, IN
- Gastonia Electric Department (NC)
- State of Georgia
- Georgia Department of Transportation
- Gilbert, AZ
- Gillette, WY
- Gilroy, CA
- Grant County, OR
- Greensboro, NC
- Greeneville Light and Power System (TN)
- Gresham, OR
- Hampstead, MD
- Harford County, MD
- Hartland, MI
- Hayward, CA
- Highland Park, IL
- Hillsborough, NC
- Holland, MI
- Hollister, CA
- Hollywood, FL
- Holly Springs, NC
- Holyoke Gas & Electric (MA)
- Homestead, FL
- Hoopa Valley Tribe
- Hope, AR
- Houston, TX
- Howard County, MD
- Humboldt County, CA
- City of Huntington, WV
- Huntsville, AL
- Huntsville Utilities (AL)
- Idaho Falls, ID
- State of Illinois
- Indianapolis, IN
- Institute for Next Generation Internet, San Francisco State University
- Inter-County Broadband Network (MD)
- Intergovernmental Cable Communications Authority (MI)
- Internal Revenue Service
- Iowa Department of Corrections
- Jackson Energy Authority (TN)
- State of Kansas
- Kansas City, MO
- Kansas Electric Power Cooperative, Inc. (KS)
- Kansas Hospital Association
- Keystone Initiative for Network Based Education and Research (PA)
- King County, WA
- City of Kirkland, WA
- Knight Center of Digital Excellence
- John S. and James L. Knight Foundation
- Lafayette Economic Development Authority (LA)
- Lake City, CO
- Lake Forest, IL
- Lake Minnetonka Communications Commission (MN)
- Lakemoor Hills Homeowners Association (TN)
- Lake Orion, MI
- Larchmont, NY
- Laredo, TX
- Laredo Community College
- Larimer County, CO
- Lawrence, KS
- Leisure World of Maryland
- Lexington, KY
- Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government (KY)
- Lorain, OH
- Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (CA)
- Loudoun County, VA
- Louisa County, VA
- Louisville, KY
- Lowell, NC
- Madison, MN
- Madison, WI
- Mamaroneck, NY
- Manassas Utility Department (VA)
- Manhattan Neighborhood Network
- Manitowoc, WI
- Maryland National Capital Park and Planning Commission
- Maryland Public Service Commission
- Maryland State Highway Administration
- Maryland Transit Administration
- Maryland Transportation Authority
- Massachussetts Broadband Institute (MBI)
- Mecklenburg County, NC
- Medina County, OH
- Mentor, OH
- Meridian Township, MI
- Mesa, AZ
- MI-Connection (NC)
- Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (D.C.)
- Metropolitan Washington Airport Authority
- Milwaukee, WI
- State of Minnesota
- Minneapolis, MN
- Molloy College
- Montcalm Area Intermediate School District (MI)
- State of Montana
- Monterey, CA
- Monterey County, CA
- Montgomery College (MD)
- Montgomery County, MD
- Morgan Hill, CA
- Morristown Utility Systems (TN)
- Mount Hood Cable Regulatory Commission (WA)
- Mt. Shasta, CA
- Mt. Zion, IL
- Mountain Parks Electric, Inc. (CO)
- Mountain View, CA
- Murfreesboro, TN
- National Association of Counties
- National Association of Telecommunications Officers and Advisors
- National Capital Area Association of Telecommunications Officers and Advisors
- National League of Cities
- Napa County, CA
- National Black Programming Consortium, Public Media Corps
- National Capital Region Interoperability Program, DC, VA & MD
- National Institute for Hometown Security
- State of Nevada
- Nevada County, CA
- New America Foundation
- New Castle, DE
- State of New Mexico
- New Orleans, LA
- State of New York
- New York, NY
- Newark, DE
- Newton , MA
- State of North Carolina
- North Kansas City, MO
- Northbrook, IL
- North Metro Telecommunications Commission (MN)
- North Suburban Communications Commission (MN)
- Northern Illinois University
- Norwich Public Utilities (CT)
- Norwood Public Light Company (MA)
- Oakbrook, IL
- Oakland, CA
- Ocala, FL
- Oconee County, SC
- Odessa, TX
- State of Ohio
- OneCommunity, (OH)
- One Maryland Broadband Network
- OpenCape Corporation (MA)
- State of Oregon
- Pacifica, CA
- Palm Beach, FL
- Palo Alto Utilities Department (CA)
- Paris, IL
- Pelham, NY
- Pharr, TX
- Philadelphia, PA
- Piedmont Municipal Power Agency (SC)
- Pikeville, KY
- Pittsburgh, PA
- Plano, TX
- Port Angeles, WA
- Portage, MI
- Portland, OR
- Prestonsburg, KY
- Prince George’s County, MD
- Prince William County, VA
- Public Knowledge
- Pulaski Electric System (TN)
- Quad Cities Cable Commission (MN)
- Raleigh, NC
- Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
- Research Triangle Park, NC
- Richland, WA
- Richland County, SC
- Ripley Power & Light (TN)
- Rockville, MD
- Rolling Hills, CA
- St. Anthony Village, MN
- St. Charles, IL
- St. Louis Park, MN
- Salisbury, NC
- San Antonio, TX
- San Francisco, CA
- San Jose, CA
- San Juan Batista, CA
- San Luis, CO
- Santa Barbara, CA
- Santa Clara, CA
- Santa Maria-Lompoc, CA
- Santa Monica, CA
- Santa Rosa, CA
- Scarsdale, NY
- Schools, Health & Libraries Broadband Coalition
- Seaside, CA
- Seattle, WA
- Seattle City Light (WA)
- Seattle Public Utilities (WA)
- Sebewaing, MI
- Shrewsbury Electric & Cable Operations (MA)
- Skokie, IL
- South Bend, IN
- Spartanburg, SC
- Spokane Valley, WA
- Spotsylvania County, VA
- Spring Hill, KS
- State College, PA
- Sturgis Electric Department (MI)
- Summit County, CO
- Syracuse, NY
- Tacoma, WA
- Talbot County, MD
- Telecommunications Board of Northern Kentucky
- Telluride Foundation
- Tennessee Municipal Electric Power Association
- Tennessee Valley Authority
- Tennessee Valley Public Power Authority
- State of Texas
- Traverse City, MI
- Truckee, CA
- Tucson, AZ
- Tuolumne County, CA
- U.S. Conference of Mayors
- U.S. Department of Agriculture
- U.S. Department of Commerce
- U.S. Department of Homeland Security
- U.S. Department of Transportation
- U.S. Navy Exchange
- U.S. Postal Service
- U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA)
- Universal Services Administration Company (USAC)
- University of Illinois
- University of Maryland
- Urbana-Champaign Big Broadband (UC2B)
- Utilities Telecom Council
- Vallejo, CA
- Valparaiso, IN
- Vancouver, BC
- State of Vermont
- Ventura, CA
- Victorville Municipal Utility Services (CA)
- Vienna, VA
- Virginia Beach
- Wake Forest, NC
- Warren County, PA
- Warren Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation (KY)
- Washington, DC
- Waupauca, IL
- Weed, CA
- Wendell, NC
- Western Oakland County Cable Communications Authority (MI)
- Westerville, OH
- Westland, MI
- Westminster, CO
- Westminster, MD
- Wheaton, IL
- White Plains, NY
- Wildwood, MO
- William Penn Foundation
- Wilmington, DE
- Wilsonville, OR
- State of Wyoming
- Yuma, AZ