CTC congratulates Delaware and Nevada on publishing BEAD Final Proposals

Delaware and Nevada both recently announced their awards for broadband infrastructure deployment under the Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Program. Administered by the National Telecommunications Information Administration (NTIA) of the U.S. Department of Commerce, BEAD is a $42.45 billion program intended to connect the 25 million Americans who lack adequate high-speed Internet access.

CTC Technology & Energy is pleased to have supported both states’ teams during their execution of a transparent and competitive BEAD subgrantee evaluation and selection process. In their respective Final Proposals, Delaware proposes to award $11.7 million in BEAD funding for broadband deployment to connect 5,635 locations, while Nevada will award over $550 million (in BEAD and other funding) to connect 51,607 locations.

Governor Carney, and the Delaware Department of Technology and Information (DTI) Delaware Broadband Office (DBO), announced awards to Verizon and Comcast on December 11, 2024. In addition to $17.4 million in BEAD funding, the companies will contribute another $89.3 million in matching share to extend broadband service to more than 5,600 unserved and underserved homes and businesses throughout Delaware. Delaware’s BEAD Final Proposal is open for public comment until December 24, 2024.

Through its own Final Proposal, the Nevada Governor’s Office of Science, Innovation & Technology (OSIT) proposes to award more than $550 million for infrastructure deployment to 19 awardees, utilizing BEAD funding supplemented with funds from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Capital Projects Fund and ARPA State Fiscal Recovery Fund. Collectively, these funds will connect 51,607 locations across the state. Nevada’s BEAD Final Proposal is open for public comment until December 30, 2024.

Having achieved these milestones, Nevada and Delaware are only months away from leveraging BEAD funding to kickstart the deployment of broadband networks that will serve areas that lack connectivity. CTC is delighted to have played a role in these states’ efforts to bring more Americans online!