Holly Springs, NC Lights First Site on New Fiber Network

Following a year-long planning and construction process, the first site on the Town of Holly Springs, North Carolina’s 19-mile municipal fiber network came online today—and the immediate spike in network traffic patterns ratified the Town’s vision of freeing itself from bandwidth constraints.

The first live site on the network is a community center, which offers service within the building and feeds nearby community wireless access points. The center’s connection was upgraded from 50 Mbps to 2 Gbps (the capacity of all sites planned for the Town’s network). As soon as the community center’s bandwidth limits were removed, user traffic saw an immediate and enormous spike—from about 10 Mbps to more than 90 Mbps. The Town’s dozen network sites will all be cutover to the new network over the coming days.

Blog Graphic - Holly Springs bandwidth - 2014-06-13

CTC is proud of its support of the Town over the past year—from network strategic and business planning to fiber infrastructure engineering, network design, project management, construction oversight, and quality assurance.