State of Georgia Publishes CTC’s Analysis of Fixed Wireless Options for Delivering Broadband to Unserved Residents

CTC is proud to announce the State of Georgia’s publication of our groundbreaking analysis of fixed wireless options for reaching residents and students unserved by broadband. At the direction of the Governor, CTC prepared the study in collaboration with the Georgia Department of Education and Department of Community Affairs, the Georgia Technology Authority, and the Carl Vinson Institute of Government at the University of Georgia.

CTC’s analysis is a key step toward identifying and implementing a comprehensive statewide solution, particularly for K-12 students. Our report documents CTC’s technical analyses of Citizens Broadband Radio Service (CBRS), Educational Broadband Service (EBS), and unlicensed spectrum solutions throughout the state—as well as technical and cost studies in three representative counties selected by the State. It presents clear conclusions about the factors that would affect a potential technical solution’s capital and operating costs.

The full study is available here.