CTC Technology & Energy will support the State of New Mexico over the course of the next two years on the implementation of two regional broadband pilot programs. The pilots will test strategies for developing plans for broadband expansion and maximizing the benefits of federal funding for rural broadband programs.
CTC Technology & Energy prepared a guidebook for the state on local and regional community broadband planning in 2012. The pilots will enable many of the guidebook’s recommendations to be implemented in the two selected areas. The plans will place an emphasis on demonstrating how regional broadband planning and implementation can work over the long term throughout New Mexico. The pilots will also seek to inform the development of public-private partnerships among localities, service providers, utilities and other regional stakeholders. The project will also emphasize ways to maximize the benefits of federal grants that fund broadband deployment in low-income and rural areas, telemedicine for veterans, and distance learning applications.
Even though there will be only two pilot areas, all regions of the State will also have access to the data, applications, and guidance to consider for their own communities’ specific broadband needs and efforts.