CTC supports public sector and nonprofit clients nationwide with expert consulting services designed to expand broadband connectivity and improve broadband adoption, opportunity, and digital opportunity.
We offer a unique combination of qualifications and capabilities across strategic planning, network design and engineering, cost estimation, procurement strategies, financial analysis, business planning, grant application writing, grant program management, public-private partnership development, wireless facility siting and application management, and digital opportunity planning. We are independent advisers.
For more than 40 years, we have been committed to delivering independent, unbiased guidance to our clients. We do not bid on construction projects or contracts to operate the networks we design. We do not seek to profit from the decisions our clients make based on our recommendations.
State broadband office support
CTC delivers strategic and tactical support to state broadband offices (SBO) and other state agencies responsible for planning and executing statewide broadband infrastructure and adoption programs. We support SBOs in all aspects of the federally funded broadband programs they implement, including those funded by the National Telecommunications & Information Administration (NTIA) Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) and Digital Equity programs, the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Capital Projects Fund (CPF) and State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF) administered by Treasury, and the USDA Rural Utilities Service (RUS) ReConnect program.

Municipal and public utility broadband planning
We develop long-term broadband strategic plans for towns, cities, counties, economic development entities, regional consortia, and public utilities across the country. In each engagement, we bring our 40 years of experience to bear on our client’s unique circumstances and goals. Our reports are data-driven, actionable, and independent.
Local and regional feasibility studies, needs assessments, and market assessments
Based on hundreds of engagements over the past 25 years, CTC has a deep understanding of local broadband planning issues and the types of challenges a community may face in implementing a broadband construction or partnership effort. We help our clients gather data and insight, develop potential solutions, and identify potential partners and funding sources. We perform current-state market assessments, conduct scientifically valid surveys, and develop requests for information (RFI) and request for proposals (RFP) to identify potential partners and construction contractors.
Stakeholder engagement and facilitation
Robust stakeholder engagement is critical to the success of any large-scale broadband initiative. From local and regional planning engagements to statewide Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) and Digital Equity (DE) program outreach, we work closely with our clients to develop and implement comprehensive stakeholder engagement strategies. We lead and support strategic planning sessions, stakeholder workshops, public forums, one-on-one interviews, and written outreach campaigns.
Public-private partnership planning
CTC has been a pioneer in the development of broadband public-private partnership and collaboration models for more than a decade. We develop models based on rigorous analysis, our specialized broadband knowledge, and a focus on protecting our clients’ interests.
We help clients identify potential partners (through informal discussions and formal procurement efforts); develop candidate term sheets; and negotiate win-win agreements that minimize our clients’ risk while maximizing the benefits to their communities.
Broadband surveys
We have conducted statistically valid mail and phone surveys, as well as online surveys, for dozens of clients over the past 20 years. Guided by our clients’ requirements, we develop and execute surveys to comprehensively evaluate issues related to broadband availability, digital opportunity, and the digital divide.
We have surveyed residents, businesses, community anchor institutions, and stakeholder entities. We also conduct broadband market assessments to develop baseline data on available services, providers, and pricing.
Digital opportunity planning
CTC conducts comprehensive digital opportunity studies for cities, counties, and states to assess gaps in broadband access, affordability, device ownership, digital literacy, and adoption. We also assist clients in developing digital opportunity strategic plans and roadmaps to address identified gaps and barriers.
Help desk and call center support
CTC’s in-house call center is staffed by experienced broadband Ambassadors who deliver technical support on client-specific engagements. They field incoming calls from residents and other stakeholders and make outgoing calls as part of surveys and community engagement efforts.