CTC has decades of experience in all aspects of broadband network design, cost estimation, and implementation. From high-level conceptual designs to detailed street-level engineering and permitting, we understand how to build wired and wireless networks tailored to a community’s goals and budget.
Our expertise includes fiber optics (middle-mile and fiber-to-the-premises), hybrid fiber-coaxial, fixed wireless (licensed and unlicensed), satellite, Wi-Fi, land-mobile radio, and other technologies.
We have designed, engineered, facilitated permitting, and overseen the construction of thousands of miles of outside plant (OSP) fiber, including for municipal fiber-to-the-premises initiatives and statewide middle-mile networks. We have also designed fixed wireless networks, including for public safety communications, in urban and rural areas.
All of CTC’s engineering work is overseen by licensed Professional Engineers.
High-level network design
CTC prepares high-level network designs and cost estimates to inform feasibility analyses, project planning, partner identification, and procurement. Our engineers prepare system-level designs with schematics identifying key network parameters like fiber optic components, backbone topologies, routing protocols, core/distribution site roles, and logical connectivity. We gather data and insight through desk surveys and field surveys, using state-of-the-art surveying equipment.
Detailed engineering
CTC’s engineers prepare construction-ready fiber engineering plans. We conduct field surveys and walkouts to map and document potential fiber routes, pole attachments, and rights-of-way using GPS and GIS tools. After assessing field conditions and make-ready requirements, our engineers develop detailed outside plant (OSP) designs including CAD drawings showing the running line of fiber, pole locations, handholes, splice points, and termination points. We generate detailed bills of materials (BOM) and splicing documentation to enable our clients to implement competitive bidding processes. We prepare construction packages with full engineering work documents like typical details, permit drawings, and material specifications for our clients’ construction contractors.
Broadband network permitting
CTC provides expert guidance and support on broadband permitting and support for government entities responsible for approving permit applications.
Our work on behalf of state and local government clients and other permitting authorities includes guidance on streamlining processes related to deploying fiber and other broadband infrastructure. Our team has developed “dig once” policies and ordinances to facilitate cost-effective expansion of broadband infrastructure when streets/rights-of-way are already being disturbed for other construction projects.
We have created standardized processes, forms, and guidelines for permitting cellular wireless infrastructure deployments like small cells in public rights-of-way. We frequently advise clients on permit application reviews, fees, timelines, and other requirements related to wireless facility siting.
CTC also has extensive experience supporting clients in the Environmental and Historic Preservation (EHP) review process associated with state and federal funding, including environmental analysis under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), Section 106 reviews under the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), and consultations with State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) and state- and federally-recognized tribes.
Construction oversight
CTC’s engineering team performs quality assurance/quality control and construction oversight services on our clients’ behalf. We conduct on-site field inspections and evaluate contractors’ redlines, as-built drawings, documentation, invoices, and other materials to ensure construction has followed the engineered designs. We work with our clients’ contractors to identify field challenges and correct errors before they become more expensive problems.
Network testing, inspection, and verification
When broadband infrastructure is funded with public monies, such as state or federal grants and loans, it is often necessary for state and local authorities and their implementation partners to verify that the constructed networks meet the funding program’s requirements and matches the design documented in the application for funding. The same issues emerge when a public entity enters a partnership arrangement or selects a contractor to construct a broadband network. CTC conducts design reviews, construction verification, and field testing to ensure that funded projects meet these requirements.