
Mason County and the City of Maysville, KY, Issue Broadband RFP

Mason County and the City of Maysville, KY (the City/County) seek a partner to review the current status of broadband availability in the community; plan for the construction of an expanded network to address underserved, unserved, and unreliably served areas; and construct and operate the broadband infrastructure. The City/County seek to empower residents and local […]

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ReConnect Round 3 scoring rules are the key to planning a competitive application: What you need to know

Heather Mills, V.P. for Grant & Funding Strategies If you’ve glanced at the scoring metrics for USDA’s ReConnect Round 3, a few big changes probably jumped out at you. Most notably, the eligibility requirements related to available speeds have changed in a very forward-thinking and game-changing way (all hail 100/20!). Areas that receive inadequate 25/3 […]

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USDA’s new ReConnect broadband grant rules dramatically expand eligible areas and effectively redefine broadband

Heather Mills, V.P. for Grant & Funding Strategies With the October 25 release of a Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA), the USDA’s Rural Utilities Service (RUS) has made important changes for Round 3 of its Rural eConnectivity Program (commonly known as ReConnect). Significant new scoring considerations include a preference for local governments The NOFA includes […]

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NTIA’s Connecting Minority Communities Pilot Program Is a Broadband Funding Opportunity for Local Governments and Minority Serving Institutions

Heather Mills, V.P. for Grant & Funding StrategiesLydia Weinberger, Civic Technology Analyst Local governments and minority serving institutions (MSI) have a unique partnership opportunity in the Connecting Minority Communities (CMC) Pilot Program—which has a fast-approaching application deadline on December 1, 2021. Now is the time for local governments to speak to their MSI partners to […]

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States and Localities Have Updated Guidance for Treasury’s Coronavirus Capital Projects Funds

By Heather Mills, V.P. for Grant & Funding Strategies The Treasury Department released new guidance on its long-awaited, $10 billion Coronavirus Capital Projects Fund program—an extremely flexible opportunity that will deliver funds to each eligible state, territory, and tribal entity. State governments will now work with Treasury to receive their allocations—so now is also the […]

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Developing a Grant Strategy in an Evolving Funding Landscape

By Ziggy Rivkin-Fish, CGEIT, VP for Broadband Strategy Are you trying to get more secure footing in a shifting broadband landscape? You’re not alone. Between existing and potential funding programs, it’s very challenging to plan in the current moment. For example, as we discussed in a previous paper, the results of the Rural Digital Opportunity […]

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CTC Presents a Full Day of Education Sessions at the UTC Rural Broadband Workshop

As educational partner to the Rural Broadband Council of the Utilities Telecom Council, CTC Technology & Energy today presented a full day of educational sessions regarding the new Rural Broadband Experiments program recently created by the FCC. At a seminar in Indianapolis presented to more than 100 representatives of rural electric cooperatives and other interested […]

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CTC Commends FCC for Commitment to Open Internet

CTC Technology & Energy (CTC) applauds FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler’s statement today that the Commission will take steps to preserve the open Internet. Chairman Wheeler’s commitment to preventing discrimination among Internet traffic and enhancing competition is essential to ensuring that the Internet can continue to support innovation, local economic development, and public discourse. In particular, […]

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Facilitating Gigabit Fiber Buildouts Report Featured in Broadband Communities Magazine

Last month, we published our report for Google, in which we layout the fundaments in a “How-to” strategy guide for facilitating a Gigabit Community. Since, we have received great feedback from the community including tweets from the Head of Community Affairs for Google and other industry pundits whom are promoting our work. This month, we […]

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CTC Technology & Energy to Aid Albuquerque in Building the City’s Network Design and Implementation

CTC Technology & Energy has helped hundreds of cities nationwide to evaluate and build the business case for municipal broadband networks. Albuquerque is the latest City to tap CTC Technology & Energy’s expertise and we are proud to work with the City.  We will develop a strategy for providing a network connecting the City’s key […]

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