Tag Archives: Telecom



CTC Presents a Full Day of Education Sessions at the UTC Rural Broadband Workshop

As educational partner to the Rural Broadband Council of the Utilities Telecom Council, CTC Technology & Energy today presented a full day of educational sessions regarding the new Rural Broadband Experiments program recently created by the FCC. At a seminar in Indianapolis presented to more than 100 representatives of rural electric cooperatives and other interested parties, CTC staff presented in-depth analyses. CTC president Joanne Hovis evaluated the funding opportunity; CEO Dr. Andrew Afflerbach described the technologies and associated costs for Fiber-to-the-Premises networks; and director of business planning Tom Asp gave a summary of considerations in market evaluation and broadband business planning. The presentation materials are available in the CTC website library.

Published: Monday, July 21, 2014 by CTC Technology & Energy